Tuesday 28 February 2006

'Most rewarding walks'
— My Lonely Planet Bluelist

...and how it got there!

This is life in a nutshell. Two days ago, I stumbled over a competition on Lonely Planet's website, through which you can win the first step to what could be at least my dream job... making a living by travelling and writing!

Great, you say — OK... but the thing is, the closing date was... today, and one had to be creative to enter. I'm creative, alright. Only... creativity doesn't come on command. Yet, I decided to enter the competition before deadline.

Great, you say again. OK. No, not OK actually. 'Cause they cut off my phone line this morning, and with it my Internet connection. Aaaaargh... I had been told they'd only do it tomorrow...!

Can't I do it from work, you'll say now. Thanks, yes, well, I could. Only... I was not at work today. Ill. Fourth day. Throatache, snotty, bit o'fever. Home.

Damn, you say now, damn. Haha yes, but I was determined. So I got in here after working hours, sitting here with coat and scarf, still achy snotty coughy fevery but also creative! I don't know why it is like that, and I don't care, but it always comes to me in the last moment, and when conditions are worst.

That's what I meant by life in a nutshell. It is a lonely planet indeed. And a blue one.

So here it is, my bluelist. Vote for it. Please. Do.

Thank you, and enjoy your trip!!

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