Friday 18 December 2009

Attract clients by becoming the expert in your niche

One great strategy for PULLING clients to you is to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

It goes without saying that you need to have expertise to establish yourself as an expert. For example, with no background in accounting it would be just silly for me to try to establish myself as an expert in accounting. I am however, an expert in getting clients, so that is where my focus on “establishing myself as the expert” lays.

So, how do you establish yourself as an expert?

Live it!
You need to believe in yourself. Know you are the expert. Own it. If you don’t believe you are the expert, no one else will either.

Be authentic. You’re the real deal.

Tout your education. Do you have any Credentials? A certification? Specialized Education?

Understand and solve your client’s struggles. Have a clear understanding of the BENEFITS of working with you and let your clients know you understand.

Write, write and write some more. Blog on your topic, write articles or even a book! Publish a newsletter or e-zine.

Offer assistance. Answer questions, share your expert knowledge with your (online and offline) networks.

Build a portfolio of your work. Can you show off what you do? A picture is worth a thousand words.

Get testimonials. Ask your happy clients to write a testimonial on what you have done for them.

by Jennifer Davey

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