Come up to Alaska
Go through Denali’s gates
Unless they prefer Nebraska
You should bring your mates
Put on your walking shoes
And get up in the mountain
Spot caribou and moose
Wolf, squirrel, bear — keep countin’
Grab those trekking boots
Don’t just stand there talkin’
But don’t stumble o’er the roots
When you go out walkin’
So pack your hiking gear
And come up to Denali
They also have great beer
And whisky made of barley.
© Bjørn Clasen, summer 2008
Bear-watching in Katmai
A bit of everything, really. Quotes, thoughts, satire, languages, art, European Union, politics…
Read my travel articles from Mexico or the brand new daily series about my attempt not to follow the EURO 2016!
The articles published on this blog may only be used by permission. They do not necessarily express the opinions of the blog owner.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Attract clients by becoming the expert in your niche
One great strategy for PULLING clients to you is to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.
It goes without saying that you need to have expertise to establish yourself as an expert. For example, with no background in accounting it would be just silly for me to try to establish myself as an expert in accounting. I am however, an expert in getting clients, so that is where my focus on “establishing myself as the expert” lays.
So, how do you establish yourself as an expert?
Live it! You need to believe in yourself. Know you are the expert. Own it. If you don’t believe you are the expert, no one else will either.
Be authentic. You’re the real deal.
Tout your education. Do you have any Credentials? A certification? Specialized Education?
Understand and solve your client’s struggles. Have a clear understanding of the BENEFITS of working with you and let your clients know you understand.
Write, write and write some more. Blog on your topic, write articles or even a book! Publish a newsletter or e-zine.
Offer assistance. Answer questions, share your expert knowledge with your (online and offline) networks.
Build a portfolio of your work. Can you show off what you do? A picture is worth a thousand words.
Get testimonials. Ask your happy clients to write a testimonial on what you have done for them.
by Jennifer Davey
It goes without saying that you need to have expertise to establish yourself as an expert. For example, with no background in accounting it would be just silly for me to try to establish myself as an expert in accounting. I am however, an expert in getting clients, so that is where my focus on “establishing myself as the expert” lays.
So, how do you establish yourself as an expert?
Live it! You need to believe in yourself. Know you are the expert. Own it. If you don’t believe you are the expert, no one else will either.
Be authentic. You’re the real deal.
Tout your education. Do you have any Credentials? A certification? Specialized Education?
Understand and solve your client’s struggles. Have a clear understanding of the BENEFITS of working with you and let your clients know you understand.
Write, write and write some more. Blog on your topic, write articles or even a book! Publish a newsletter or e-zine.
Offer assistance. Answer questions, share your expert knowledge with your (online and offline) networks.
Build a portfolio of your work. Can you show off what you do? A picture is worth a thousand words.
Get testimonials. Ask your happy clients to write a testimonial on what you have done for them.
by Jennifer Davey
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
»[U]ndtagelserne [har nærmest] fået en kultstatus og bliver betragtet som Danmarks bidrag til Den Europæiske Union. Man kan derfor ikke fortænkes i at stille spørgsmålet: “Hvad bestiller Danmark egentlig i EU?”.«
ambassadør Jørgen Ørstrøm Møller
i Berettet For Eftertiden — Centrale Aktørers Erindringer Om Danmark I EU
Monday, 23 November 2009
1. FC Köln: Wie die Einstellung geändert werden kann
“Das gestrige Spiel bleibt an dieser Stelle einfach mal unkommentiert. Wie geht's weiter? FC-Frauenmannschaft spielen lassen? Strafversetzung aller Spieler in die Amateurmannschaft? Trainerwechsel?”
Diese Vorschläge sind schon gar nicht schlecht. Hier ist meine persönliche meinung. Zum Nachdenken, FC-Vorstand. Aber nicht zu lange. Den es muss reagiert werden.
Irgendwas stimmt mit der Moral nicht. Es kann nicht sein, dass ein Verein wie der FC es nicht schafft, seine Profis — auf dem Papier ist der Kader ja stärker als letztes Jahr, selbst wenn ich nie verstanden habe, warum mit Kämpfer Vučičević nicht verlängert wurde — nicht zu motivieren.
Ich bin auch kein Fan von Trainerfeuerungen, aber wenn schon, müsste ein Mann wie Tuchel her, und er müsste z.B. drei Jahre nicht entlassen werden können. Denn ein Konzept muss her, Stabilität — und dazu braucht man Zeit und Engagement.
Dies muss auch vom Vorstand kommen. Gerne übernehme ich den Posten als Präsident (! ehrlich!; als ganzherziger FC-Fan habe ich die Glaube und der Entusiasmus — und der Geduld!).
Jedenfalls: Es muss sich 'was tun. Ich habe es langsam satt über 200 km zu fahren um eine Mannschaft zu sehen, die die Unterstützung von 50.000 echte Fans nicht zu honorieren scheint. Und das seit langem.
Ach ja, noch 'was: Es würde mich freuen, wenn wir FC-Fans uns einen Image als fairen Fans aufbauen. Was hilft es den Spielern, GEGEN Hopp zu schreien!?! Das ist ganz einfach ein Zeichen für Neid! Zeigen wir uns als große Menschen; feuern wir unseren FC an. Denn es kann nur besser werden. Die Zukunft gehört uns, und dazu brauchen wir JETZT leidenschaftliche und faire Unterstützung.
FC — ein Leben lang.
Bjørn Clasen
Monday, 26 October 2009
Suggested structure for report
— Easy-to-remember method
'ECOBASAR' is the word to remember.
It stands for:
Enter (actually Introduction)
Brief (on the Method)
Action (meaning Implementation)
And also remember to take the targeted reader through the process! S/he has to be able to follow the logic of your thoughts. I.e. of the above structure.
The 'Ecobasar' structure was created for the European Administration School's certification exam but can of course be used for other reports in which the goal is to analyse different possibilities and come up with a recommendation.
The 'Ecobasar' way to remember the structure and method for report writing is developed by and ©opyright Bjørn Clasen 2009
It stands for:
Enter (actually Introduction)
Brief (on the Method)
Action (meaning Implementation)
And also remember to take the targeted reader through the process! S/he has to be able to follow the logic of your thoughts. I.e. of the above structure.
The 'Ecobasar' structure was created for the European Administration School's certification exam but can of course be used for other reports in which the goal is to analyse different possibilities and come up with a recommendation.
The 'Ecobasar' way to remember the structure and method for report writing is developed by and ©opyright Bjørn Clasen 2009
Friday, 25 September 2009
Eindrücke rund um das Pokalspiel gegen Wolfsburg
Mittwoch war ich zum ersten Mal seit dem Endspiel 1983 (1. FC Köln – Fortuna Köln 1:0 im damaligen Müngersdorfer Stadion) bei einem DFB-Pokalspiel. Und was für eins! Der 1. FC Köln bezwang in einem spannenden Spiel der amtierende deutsche Meister VfL Wolfsburg mit 3:2. Hier einige Eindrücke rund um das Spiel:
Alle Photos sind natürlich © Bjørn Clasen und können per schriftliche Genehmigung verwendet werden.
Alle Photos sind natürlich © Bjørn Clasen und können per schriftliche Genehmigung verwendet werden.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Overhørte idefolk — People with ideas are disregarded
»Eftersom offentlige institutioner og andre monopol-agtige foretagender sjældent oplever dybe finansielle kriser, selv ikke i krisetider, kan folk med gode idéer og kundefokus aldrig komme til orde dér.«
Mogens Nørgaard, direktør for it-firmaet Miracle A/S
i "Kendisser om det gode ved krisen" på
'As public institutions and other monopoly-like enterprises rarely experience deep financial crises, not even in times of crisis, people with good ideas and customer focus are never heard.'
Mogens Nørgaard, Director for the IT company Miracle A/S
in the article "Kendisser om det gode ved krisen" ('Celebrities on what's good about the crisis') on
Mogens Nørgaard, direktør for it-firmaet Miracle A/S
i "Kendisser om det gode ved krisen" på
'As public institutions and other monopoly-like enterprises rarely experience deep financial crises, not even in times of crisis, people with good ideas and customer focus are never heard.'
Mogens Nørgaard, Director for the IT company Miracle A/S
in the article "Kendisser om det gode ved krisen" ('Celebrities on what's good about the crisis') on
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Brief vom 1. FC Köln an seine Mitglieder zur neuen Saison
Herzlichen Dank!
[M]it großer Erwartung fiebern wir alle der neuen Saison entgegen. Bevor wir uns jedoch auf diese einstimmen, möchten wir Ihnen für die großartige Unterstützung während der abgelaufenen Saison Dank sagen.
Alle wissen, wie schwierig die zweite Saison nach einem Aufstieg für den 1. FC Köln sein wird. Daher gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie uns mit Ihrer Begeisterung und Treue auch in der kommenden Saison begleiten werden.
Wir sind uns einig, dass wir durch die Platzierung in der abgelaufenen Saison und mit dem neuen Trainer-Team, Chef-Trainer Zvonimir Soldo und seinem Assistenten Michael Henke, eine gute Ausgangslage haben, unsere gesteckten Ziele zu erreichen. In diesem Zusammenhang haben wir uns auch vorgenommen, mit Siegen die Heimbilanz zu verbessern und Ihnen somit mehr Freude zu bereiten und uns wichtige Punkte zu sichern.
Die Transferaktivitäten für die kommende Saison sind in vollem Gange. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir Sebastian Freis und Lukas Podolski an uns binden konnten. Dass Lukas seinem Herzen gefolgt und zu seinem FC zurückgekehrt ist zeigt, mit welch sauberem Charakter Lukas ausgestattet ist. Wir sind von Lukas’ Qualitäten und seinem Engagement für den FC überzeugt, wissen aber auch, dass es für ihn sicherlich keine leichte Saison werden wird.
Wir werden ihn deswegen, wo es uns nur möglich ist, unterstützen und wünschen uns von Ihnen, dass Sie dem 1. FC Köln und unserer Mannschaft helfen, den nächsten Schritt nach vorne zu machen. Das ist, was wir uns alle erhoffen, und gerade deswegen brauchen wir Ihre Mithilfe.
Auch in unserem eigenen Kader setzen wir auf Kontinuität. Deswegen haben wir frühzeitig drei Verträge verlängert. Vor allem Pedro Geromel, der eine der Säulen in unserem Abwehrverbund ist, hat sich zum FC bekannt und wird langfristig seine Qualitäten hier einbringen. Er hat seinen Vertrag bis 2014 verlängert und auch Fabrice Ehret und Marvin Matip bleiben dem Verein bis 2011 erhalten.
Unser Konzept, den FC-Nachwuchs stark zu fördern, trägt unser neuer Chef-Trainer Zvonimir Soldo voll mit. Unser Ziel muss es sein, jedes Jahr ein, zwei junge FC-Spieler an den Profikader heranzuführen. Wie gut unsere Nachwuchsabteilung arbeitet, zeigen die jüngsten Erfolge der U17-Nationalmannschaft, die mit unseren Spielern Reinhold Yabo und Bienvenue Basala-Manzana Europameister geworden ist. Yabo war sogar Kapitän dieser Mannschaft. Um die beiden an kommende Aufgaben heranzuführen, absolvieren sie derzeit die Vorbereitung mit den Lizenzspielern.
Uns allen ist bewusst, dass wir nur gemeinsam stark sind. Die Ziele, die wir uns gesetzt haben, sind realistisch, aber dennoch schwierig zu erreichen. Deswegen müssen wir auch in diesem Jahr wieder alle Kräfte bündeln, um eine noch bessere Platzierung als im Vorjahr zu erzielen.
Wir freuen uns gemeinsam mit Ihnen auf eine tolle Saison 2009/2010!
1. Fußball-Club Köln 01/07 e. V.
Wolfgang Overath (Präsident) — Friedrich Neukirch (Vize-Präsident) — Jürgen Glowacz (Vize-Präsident)
Thursday, 23 July 2009
La vita tua — Life of your own
"[U]n personaggio ha veramente una vita sua, segnata di caratteri suoi, per cui è sempre "qualcuno". Mentre un uomo [...] così in genere, può non esser "nessuno"."
Luigi Pirandello: "Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore" — e-text
'[A] character has really a life of his own, marked with his especial characteristics; for which reason he is always 'somebody'. But a man [...] may very well be 'nobody'.'
Luigi Pirandello: 'Six Characters In Search Of An Author'
Luigi Pirandello: "Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore" — e-text
'[A] character has really a life of his own, marked with his especial characteristics; for which reason he is always 'somebody'. But a man [...] may very well be 'nobody'.'
Luigi Pirandello: 'Six Characters In Search Of An Author'
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Ryk i Ringsted

»Betjen dig selv gennem selvbetjeningsløsninger
Ved hjælp af Ringsted Kommunes selvbetjeningsløsninger kan du på alle tider af døgnet betjene dig selv på nettet.«
fra Ringsted Kommunes netsted

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Tout voyage commence...
« Pour le type qui fait Bruxelles-Pékin,
le problème n'est pas d'arriver à Pékin
mais de quitter Bruxelles. »
Jacques Brel
le problème n'est pas d'arriver à Pékin
mais de quitter Bruxelles. »
Jacques Brel
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Creative, hyperactive, or both?
'[E]xperts believe that ADHD is sometimes misdiagnosed; that some individuals that are highly creative may be labeled as ADHD instead. [… I]ndividuals with ADHD have a higher incident rate of creativity.[… S]tudies have shown that brain patterns in individuals with ADHD are similar to that of highly creative individuals.'
Eileen Bailey
in 'ADHD and Creativity'
Eileen Bailey
in 'ADHD and Creativity'
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Anmeldelse af 'Danmark Denmark'
— Nephews nye album
D.T.A.P. — 5 af 7 stjerner
Et godt og lidt modigt introduktionsnummer. Om det er rock tilsat senfirsersynthesizerlyde eller senfirserelectonica tilsat lidt hårdere guitar, er jeg ikke sikker på — det balancerer på grænsen mellem hyldest til og parodi på firserne. Men i hvert fald har det sin egen charme og scorer point herpå.
Opfattet godt citat: 'Du ser ned på din mor, mens du kopierer din far'
007 Is Also Gonna Die — 2 af 7 stjerner
En naturlig forlængelse af intronummeret, men samtidig kommer man til at frygter for lytværdigheden af resten af albummet, når en så banal sang er placeret allerede som nummer to. Der er ikke noget originalt over nummeret; det savner sjæl, men er samtidig meget nephewsk. Faktisk leder det tankerne hen på det oversete debutalbum 'Swimming Time'.
Police Bells And Church Sirens — 3 af 7 stjerner
Tempoet får endnu en tak opad fra 007. Et næsten rent popnummer og helt igennem på engelsk. Svært at hade, umuligt at elske. Fængende banalt, tralala.
Sov For Satan Mand — 4 af 7 stjerner
Det første nummer med en mere alvorlig tone, rent melodimæssigt. Endnu nærmest klicheagtigt nephewsk, men ikke på niveau med gruppens bedste... og meget svært at blive rigtig begejstret for.
Danmark Man Dark — 2 af 7 stjerner
Er det en hiphopparodi? Er det i det hele taget et parodialbum?
Omkvæd: 'Da-dam da-da-da dam Danmark'... Så ringe og så godt, at det alene kvalificerer til den ene stjerne.
Gong Gong — 4 af 7 stjerner
Der tæres på min tålmodighed. Hvornår kommer der et supernummer? Hvor er 2009's svar på 'Bazooka' eller 'Milk & Wine' eller 'Hospital'? Er dette en gruppes fjerde album? Min optimisme giver mig to redningsplanker: At 'Danmark Denmark' vinder ved gen- og gengen- og gengengenhør. Eller at albummet udgør Nephews ned-fase, før gruppen igen blomstrer op. Når dét er sagt, så er Simon Kvamms stemmeføring på 'Gong Gong' faktisk original og underholdende og et eller andet sted charmer nummeret sig op til et af 'Danmark Denmark's mest interessante.
Det Her Sker Bare Ikk' — 5 af 7 stjerner
Endelig en intrigerende start på et nummer. Næsten a la 'Bazooka'. Trods det langsomme tempo er der en noget utålmodig stemning over sangen, men faktisk understøtter dét jo dens tema. Og Kvamm formår at lyde nærmest tårevædet. Jeg har en fornemmelse af, at 'Det Her Sker Bare Ikk'' er et af den slags numre, man vil synes bedre og bedre om for til sidst ligefrem at elske det.
Va Fangool! — 4 af 7 stjerner
Vi er tilbage i noget banalt poprocknoget. Som kun holder, fordi det er Nephew. Kvamm lægger lidt oveni med sin yndede Lars Hug-falset. Så den holder. Lige netop.
Citat: 'Vi to vi ku' køw' ti sko, men vi ka' kun få to på'
Descendants Of King Canute — 6 af 7 stjerner
JamenDOG, en akustisk guitar i et Nephew-nummer! En overraskelse, og en af de rigtig gode af slagsen. Kvamms sang bliver helt trubaduragtig. Bortset fra teksten er 'Descendants Of King Canute' ikke særlig Nephew-agtigt, men det er måske på netop et så middelmådigt album dets styrke. I hvert fald er det et smukt nummer og det bedste på 'Danmark Denmark' - harmonisk, stemningsfyldt og nynnefremkaldende.
Focus On The Sound — 5 af 7 stjerner
Et ikke helt dårligt nummer, igen lidt firseragtigt, med dejlig mange elementer i form af rytme, instrumentering og forskellige og samtidige sangstemmer — 'Focus On The Sound' passer derfor til sin titel. Et halvkomplekst eksperiment, som faktisk holder. Koncentreret og gentagen lytning vil givetvis få det til at vinde endnu mere.
New Year's Morning — 4 af 7 stjerner
Et ikke særlig nødvendigt nummer, selvom det naturligvis er interessant at bygge elektronisk rock over Grundtvig. Slipper igennem som fyld, for der er et eller andet i rytmen, der irriterer og holder...
Hurra — 6 af 7 stjerner
Et spændende nummer; nærmere kommer Nephew vist ikke progressiv rock. Gruppens svar på 'Bohemian Rhapsody', om end naturligvis Nephew-minimalistisk og upompøst. Omkvædet 'Hurra - Hurra - Yippi yeah' synges i sørgmunter kontrast til sin ordlyd indtil dét, man tror er finalen ...og så kommer det underspillede piano igen og man kan kun imponeres. Mere af den slags, tak! Et smukt afslutningsnummer, som er med til at redde et middelmådigt album.
Samlet indtryk af 'Danmark Denmark' efter første gennemspilning: 4 af 7 stjerner. Nephews hidtil svageste udspil, siden gruppen blev berømt. Men lovende og positivt overraskende numre hen imod slutningen, og et album, der næsten med garanti vinder ved flere lytninger.
Anmelder: Bjørn Clasen
Sunday, 28 June 2009
'course we're not alone!
'It is way too arrogant to think
that we are the only ones living in the Universe.'
Giovanna Tinetti, Astrobiologist
in 'Methane found on distant world' on BBC News
Interview on scientificblogging
that we are the only ones living in the Universe.'
Giovanna Tinetti, Astrobiologist
in 'Methane found on distant world' on BBC News
Interview on scientificblogging
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Bye Beetle
With congestion also comes pollution, and that is exactly why the Beetles have also become a plague. Soon, the beloved car will be a less common sight. Mexico City no longer allows new licenses to use the model for taxis, as it simply does not meet modern emission standards — and by 2012 no legal taxi will be a Vocho, as a new law will set the age-limit of taxis to 10 years.
No country produced the legendary Volkswagen model longer than Mexico. In 2003 the world’s last Vocho left the factory in Puebla. It was number 1,691,542 produced here, out of more than 21 million worldwide, making it the most-produced car ever. A mariachi band played as the last Vocho rolled off to be shipped to the Volkswagen headquarters in the German town of Wolfsburg. The car was part of the special ‘Última Edición’ of 3000 cars that had whitewall tires, chrome trim and were available in two different special colors. The Última Edición ended forty years of Beetle production in Puebla.
Mexicans love their Vocho — which they also call Pulguita (‘little flea’) or simply Sedán — because it is cheap and easy to repair. Even though lots of cheap alternatives especially from East Asia have flooded the market in recent years, a small dedicated team still produces a few Vocho engines in a corner of the Volkswagen factory in Puebla. Though German in its origins, the beloved car has become an inseparable part of Mexico’s and the Mexicans’ soul.
As it said on a Mexican advert announcing the goodbye to the Vocho: ‘It is incredible that such a small car can leave such a large void’.
Text & photos © Bjørn Clasen
Monday, 15 June 2009
Religionsgründung ohne Ratgeber
“Hätte Gott sich an den Empfehlungen des beliebten Werkes “Gewaltfreie Kommunikation” orientiert und dessen Ratschläge befolgt, wäre ihm niemals der Aufbau einer so erfolgreichen Firma wie der katholischen Kirche geglückt.”
Hans Zippert, Die Welt-Kolumnist
in GEO Wissen Nr. 40: Das Geheimnis der Sprache
Hans Zippert, Die Welt-Kolumnist
in GEO Wissen Nr. 40: Das Geheimnis der Sprache
Sunday, 14 June 2009
”Beli gjorde dem alle til skamme, hun var La Tetúa Suprema: Hendes tetas var kloder af titaniske dimensioner og hendes supersoniske culo kunne flå ord ud af munden på enhver stodder og kraftedeme rive vinduer ud af rammerne” (’Oscar Wao’ af Junot Diaz)
Da jeg sidst var i USA, så jeg et forbløffende indslag på en af de store tv-stationer. Skal engelsk også fremover være det officielle sprog i USA?, spurgte nyhedsværten.
Nyhedsindslaget illusterede meget præcist, hvor stor en magtfaktor amerikanere med en spansk baggrund, the Hispanics, efterhånden er blevet i USA. Uden dem ville store del af USA gå i stå, for ligesom det Danmark i 70érne begyndte at importere billig arbejdskraft, er det i høj grad folk fra bl.a. Mexico, Puerto Rico og Den Dominikanske Republik, der sørger for renovation, busdrift, masser af ufaglært bygge- og anlægsarbejde og lignende.
I den forkælede Chelsea-bydel iagttog jeg fra mit hotelværelse et sjak af mørklødede Hispanics knokle fra tidlig morgen til sen aften. ”Jeg har fulgt jer fra i morges, hvad får I egentlig i timen?”, spurgte jeg en aften en af mændene, som viste sig at stamme fra Den Dominikanske republik. ”5 dollars”, svarede han med et bredt grin. ”Jeg laver 75 dollars om dagen”, smilede han, han følte sig virkelig heldig.
Det er morsomt at tænke på, at amerikanerne kun var en stemme fra at få tysk som nationalsprog, da politikerne i den unge stat i sin tid skulle tage stilling. Så ville John Wayne have sagt ”Hände hoch!” og Mae West noget i retning af: ” Ist das ein Revolver da in Ihrer Hose oder freuen Sie sich nur, mich zu sehen?”.
Engelsk skal nu nok holde skansen en rum tid endnu. Men ikke uden en kraftig påvirkning fra spansk. Der sker nok det, som forfatteren Junot Diaz allerede lader ske i den sprogligt mest vitale roman, jeg har læst i mange år. I ’Oskar Wao & hans korte og forunderlige liv’, vinder af Pullitzer prisen 2008, lader han engelsk og spansk smelte sammen, så fortællingen i lange passager formidles på et varmblodigt og vitalt sprog, Spanglish, som det også i Niels Lyngsøs fremragende danske oversættelse, er en kæmpe nydelse at læse, selvom der er masser dybt sjofle spanske udtryk man ikke er helt sikker på om man forstår.
Romanens Oscar Wao (“Oscar Wilde” på spanglish!) er en stakkel. Ikke nok med, at han tilhører en hårdt prøvet minoritet i USA, han vejer også alt for meget, er fange i sin egen 130 kilo tunge krop, og forelsker sig igen og igen uden at nogen vil have ham, ”skal jeg blive den første mand fra den Dominikanske Republik, der dør som jomfru?”, spørger han sin ven.
Selvom Oskar er hovedpersonen, som den barske familiehistorie drejer sig om, er det dog Junot Diaz ætsende opgør med Trujillo, diktatoren, der bestemte over hver eneste sjæl i Den Dominikanske republik i mere end tredive onde år, der er historiens brændstof. Han er det lille sydamerikanske lands Dark Lord, dets Sauron, en ond ånd, hvis nærmest okkulte styrke synes at kunne forfølge modstandere i generationer. Det var den virkelige Trujillos ret at forlyste sig med enhver smuk pige i sit land. Holdt man sin datters skønhed hemmelig for den kneppende despot, blev det i Trujillos kussokrati betragtet som landsforræderi.
Jeg er ret sikker på, at de muskelsvulmende, svedige og sikkert illegalt arbejdende arbejdsmænd fra dengang i Chelsea ikke aner, hvem deres landsmand Junot Diaz er eller nogensinde får læst hans fremragende roman, selvom den handler om det, de er vokset ud af, og det liv de lever som immigranter i USA. Men det ændrer ikke ved, at Diaz har skrevet en af den slags i sandhed forunderlige bøger, der i det lange løb og ad sindrige veje kan være med til at forbedre tilværelsen for netop folk som dem, USAs nye store etniske underklasse, fordi store romaner, som macheter, der hugger stier i ellers ufremkommelig jungle, stille og roligt baner vejen for civilisation.
Jes Stein Pedersen
DR Perspektiv Deadline/Orientering
(indlæg på hans blog Bibliopaten)
Da jeg sidst var i USA, så jeg et forbløffende indslag på en af de store tv-stationer. Skal engelsk også fremover være det officielle sprog i USA?, spurgte nyhedsværten.
Nyhedsindslaget illusterede meget præcist, hvor stor en magtfaktor amerikanere med en spansk baggrund, the Hispanics, efterhånden er blevet i USA. Uden dem ville store del af USA gå i stå, for ligesom det Danmark i 70érne begyndte at importere billig arbejdskraft, er det i høj grad folk fra bl.a. Mexico, Puerto Rico og Den Dominikanske Republik, der sørger for renovation, busdrift, masser af ufaglært bygge- og anlægsarbejde og lignende.
I den forkælede Chelsea-bydel iagttog jeg fra mit hotelværelse et sjak af mørklødede Hispanics knokle fra tidlig morgen til sen aften. ”Jeg har fulgt jer fra i morges, hvad får I egentlig i timen?”, spurgte jeg en aften en af mændene, som viste sig at stamme fra Den Dominikanske republik. ”5 dollars”, svarede han med et bredt grin. ”Jeg laver 75 dollars om dagen”, smilede han, han følte sig virkelig heldig.
Det er morsomt at tænke på, at amerikanerne kun var en stemme fra at få tysk som nationalsprog, da politikerne i den unge stat i sin tid skulle tage stilling. Så ville John Wayne have sagt ”Hände hoch!” og Mae West noget i retning af: ” Ist das ein Revolver da in Ihrer Hose oder freuen Sie sich nur, mich zu sehen?”.
Engelsk skal nu nok holde skansen en rum tid endnu. Men ikke uden en kraftig påvirkning fra spansk. Der sker nok det, som forfatteren Junot Diaz allerede lader ske i den sprogligt mest vitale roman, jeg har læst i mange år. I ’Oskar Wao & hans korte og forunderlige liv’, vinder af Pullitzer prisen 2008, lader han engelsk og spansk smelte sammen, så fortællingen i lange passager formidles på et varmblodigt og vitalt sprog, Spanglish, som det også i Niels Lyngsøs fremragende danske oversættelse, er en kæmpe nydelse at læse, selvom der er masser dybt sjofle spanske udtryk man ikke er helt sikker på om man forstår.
Romanens Oscar Wao (“Oscar Wilde” på spanglish!) er en stakkel. Ikke nok med, at han tilhører en hårdt prøvet minoritet i USA, han vejer også alt for meget, er fange i sin egen 130 kilo tunge krop, og forelsker sig igen og igen uden at nogen vil have ham, ”skal jeg blive den første mand fra den Dominikanske Republik, der dør som jomfru?”, spørger han sin ven.
Selvom Oskar er hovedpersonen, som den barske familiehistorie drejer sig om, er det dog Junot Diaz ætsende opgør med Trujillo, diktatoren, der bestemte over hver eneste sjæl i Den Dominikanske republik i mere end tredive onde år, der er historiens brændstof. Han er det lille sydamerikanske lands Dark Lord, dets Sauron, en ond ånd, hvis nærmest okkulte styrke synes at kunne forfølge modstandere i generationer. Det var den virkelige Trujillos ret at forlyste sig med enhver smuk pige i sit land. Holdt man sin datters skønhed hemmelig for den kneppende despot, blev det i Trujillos kussokrati betragtet som landsforræderi.
Jeg er ret sikker på, at de muskelsvulmende, svedige og sikkert illegalt arbejdende arbejdsmænd fra dengang i Chelsea ikke aner, hvem deres landsmand Junot Diaz er eller nogensinde får læst hans fremragende roman, selvom den handler om det, de er vokset ud af, og det liv de lever som immigranter i USA. Men det ændrer ikke ved, at Diaz har skrevet en af den slags i sandhed forunderlige bøger, der i det lange løb og ad sindrige veje kan være med til at forbedre tilværelsen for netop folk som dem, USAs nye store etniske underklasse, fordi store romaner, som macheter, der hugger stier i ellers ufremkommelig jungle, stille og roligt baner vejen for civilisation.
Jes Stein Pedersen
DR Perspektiv Deadline/Orientering
(indlæg på hans blog Bibliopaten)
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
'For me home is not a geographical place, but where my heart is at that moment.'
'If we are too preoccupied by what things aren't
we fail to notice what they are.'

Lynne Kolar-Thompson
in 'Contemplations Of Myriad Worlds'
'If we are too preoccupied by what things aren't
we fail to notice what they are.'
Lynne Kolar-Thompson
in 'Contemplations Of Myriad Worlds'
Monday, 8 June 2009
Grupo por la Abolición del Subjuntivo en la Lengua Española
Yo soy presidente de una asociación recientemente fundada, el Grupo por la Abolición del Subjuntivo en la Lengua Española. Ya somos ocho miembros, y todos son muy activos luchando para que esta forma complicada, difícil, innecesaria y molesta de gramática que es el subjuntivo sea prohibido.
El español es una lengua mundial, y muchos extranjeros quieren aprender a hablarla. Pero el subjuntivo es un obstáculo importante que complica y, en muchos casos graves, impide estos esfuerzos idealistas y heroicos. Hay casos de extranjeros que sufren traumatismos y no pueden trabajar o vivir una vida normal porque han estudiado el subjuntivo español a lo largo de varios años sin entender el protocolo para decidir entre indicativo y subjuntivo. Nuestra asociación también lucha para ayudar estas pobres personas a vivir una vida casí normal — la cura mas eficiente es olvidar el español y aprender el swahili o el luxemburgués.
Bjørn Clasen
Presidente del GASLE
Respuesta de mi profesor de español...
Se acaba de conocer hace unos instantes una incorporación al citado grupo que seguro que sorprenderá a más de uno. El eminente profesor de español para extranjeros, Carles Fernández, que actualmente da clases en un pequeño país de la Unión Europea, se ha hecho socio del GASLE. Tras años de arduos intentos por dar con una explicación comprensible del subjuntivo para aquellos estudiantes en cuyas lenguas no existe un fenómeno tan abominable como este, finalmente se ha dado cuenta de que vale más la pena dirigir sus esfuerzos hacia otra dirección. Así pues, a partir de ahora, ha declarado que se unirá a sus ocho estudiantes en su encomiable objetivo de abolir este modo tan cruel.
De momento, se ha puesto bajo la supervisión del señor Bjørn Clasen, presidente de la asociación, para seguir lo que él mismo denomina una cura de desintoxicación. “De momento sólo tenemos experiencia en curar a estudiantes. Para los casos más desesperados estamos recomendando cursos intensivos de luxemburgués. Ahora bien, hay que tener en cuenta que el caso del señor Fernández es particularmente complejo, puesto que ha dedicado su vida en cuerpo y alma a propagar intencionadamente el virus del subjuntivo. Por tanto, probablemente requerirá de medidas excepcionales. No hemos tomado ninguna decisión, pero estamos barajando la posibilidad de empezar con un tratamiento de choque consistente en administrarle fuertes dosis de danés, ya que consideramos dicha lengua una de las más simples, lógicas y claras del mundo. Como usted mismo puede constatar en mi discurso, si bien recuerdo sin problemas el español, no me ha hecho falta utilizar el subjuntivo en ningún momento”.
¡Faltaría más! De igual modo, nuestros estimados lectores podrán apreciar que el firmante de esta crónica, en un ejercicio de estilo jamás visto en la Facultad de Periodismo, tampoco se ha servido en ninguna ocasión del subjuntivo. Evidentemente, cualquier esfuerzo es poco con tal de mostrar la sencillez de la lengua de Cervantes. De lo contrario, el peligro de retroceso del español a escala mundial, debido al posible abandono de los miles de estudiantes que actualmente lo están aprendiendo, podría tener efectos fatales. Continuaremos informando con motivo de la primera asamblea del GASLE.
El español es una lengua mundial, y muchos extranjeros quieren aprender a hablarla. Pero el subjuntivo es un obstáculo importante que complica y, en muchos casos graves, impide estos esfuerzos idealistas y heroicos. Hay casos de extranjeros que sufren traumatismos y no pueden trabajar o vivir una vida normal porque han estudiado el subjuntivo español a lo largo de varios años sin entender el protocolo para decidir entre indicativo y subjuntivo. Nuestra asociación también lucha para ayudar estas pobres personas a vivir una vida casí normal — la cura mas eficiente es olvidar el español y aprender el swahili o el luxemburgués.
Bjørn Clasen
Presidente del GASLE
Respuesta de mi profesor de español...
Se acaba de conocer hace unos instantes una incorporación al citado grupo que seguro que sorprenderá a más de uno. El eminente profesor de español para extranjeros, Carles Fernández, que actualmente da clases en un pequeño país de la Unión Europea, se ha hecho socio del GASLE. Tras años de arduos intentos por dar con una explicación comprensible del subjuntivo para aquellos estudiantes en cuyas lenguas no existe un fenómeno tan abominable como este, finalmente se ha dado cuenta de que vale más la pena dirigir sus esfuerzos hacia otra dirección. Así pues, a partir de ahora, ha declarado que se unirá a sus ocho estudiantes en su encomiable objetivo de abolir este modo tan cruel.
De momento, se ha puesto bajo la supervisión del señor Bjørn Clasen, presidente de la asociación, para seguir lo que él mismo denomina una cura de desintoxicación. “De momento sólo tenemos experiencia en curar a estudiantes. Para los casos más desesperados estamos recomendando cursos intensivos de luxemburgués. Ahora bien, hay que tener en cuenta que el caso del señor Fernández es particularmente complejo, puesto que ha dedicado su vida en cuerpo y alma a propagar intencionadamente el virus del subjuntivo. Por tanto, probablemente requerirá de medidas excepcionales. No hemos tomado ninguna decisión, pero estamos barajando la posibilidad de empezar con un tratamiento de choque consistente en administrarle fuertes dosis de danés, ya que consideramos dicha lengua una de las más simples, lógicas y claras del mundo. Como usted mismo puede constatar en mi discurso, si bien recuerdo sin problemas el español, no me ha hecho falta utilizar el subjuntivo en ningún momento”.
¡Faltaría más! De igual modo, nuestros estimados lectores podrán apreciar que el firmante de esta crónica, en un ejercicio de estilo jamás visto en la Facultad de Periodismo, tampoco se ha servido en ninguna ocasión del subjuntivo. Evidentemente, cualquier esfuerzo es poco con tal de mostrar la sencillez de la lengua de Cervantes. De lo contrario, el peligro de retroceso del español a escala mundial, debido al posible abandono de los miles de estudiantes que actualmente lo están aprendiendo, podría tener efectos fatales. Continuaremos informando con motivo de la primera asamblea del GASLE.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Slogans to make people vote
Make a slogan — Make people vote

Until tomorrow, 375 million Europeans can vote for the European Parliament. Most of them choose not to. But a few months ago, the weekly New Europe launched a contest in which you could suggest how to get at least a few more to go to the polling stations. You had to make a funny, naughty or even dirty — but in any case good — slogan that would fit on a bus advert.
So that's what I did — and as you see above, one of my suggestions was chosen for the 'dirty' category. They had to abbreviate to fit it on a bus (or rather into their bus photo template), but that captured the sense even better, or actually changed it to be more significant.
There was nothing to actually win, except for having your hilarious, cheeky, superb slogan published in New Europe, with a picture and maybe your own comment. If your slogan was chosen of course.
Here are my other suggestions:
Something better to do on a Sunday?
I have. But I vote anyway!
Ask what Europe can do for you...
What you can do for Europe is VOTE!
R U Ropean?
Zen VOTE on ze Zevenz!
Elect and erect. Europe, that is.
Men in suits don't suit you?
Then vote for someone else.
EURO 2008 was long ago.
FIFA 2010 is far away.
VOTE 2009 is here and now.
It's the EU, it is you!
The EU is you too!
The EU is yours too!
You know they're commuting
You know they're polluting
Their salaries are bloated
But what if YOU voted?
They waste your money anyway. Choose how. Vote.
It's YOUR money they use.
On what? YOU can choose!
Who do you want to represent your interests, your values, your country?
Choose who influences your future and the daily life of close to 500 million fellow Europeans.
You think the EU is remote?
Bring it closer — go and vote!
1 vote out of 375 000 000 won't matter much.
But it'll matter infinitely more than 0 votes.
One vote out of 375 000 000 will mean a little something.
No vote will mean nothing at all.
Choose which suits will waste your money. Vote.
We cannot think of a slogan, but just go'n'vote.
— Election?
— Yes.
— Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One vote each. Next. Election?
— Election?
— Yes.
— Good. Out of your bed. Local polling station. One vote each.
We cannot think of a slogan, but just go'n'vote.
Eulopean Palriament Erections.
(We caught youl attention? Now vote.)
My calendar — Sunday 7 June 2009
1. Seduce my girlfriend
2. If 1 succeeds, take shower
3. Make breakfast
4. Try to seduce her again
5. Take (another) shower
6. Go out
7. Vote
8. Buy flowers on the way home
9. Seduce her again
10. And again
11. And again.....
[Too long for a bus streamer, I realise... But you get the point.]
Don't do like most people in this bus. Vote.
Your polling station is only a busride away.
Yes you can (vote).
All of these are of course copyrighted — so do ask in case you want to use any of them, by posting a comment to this post.
And remember to vote! Europe is about you.
Until tomorrow, 375 million Europeans can vote for the European Parliament. Most of them choose not to. But a few months ago, the weekly New Europe launched a contest in which you could suggest how to get at least a few more to go to the polling stations. You had to make a funny, naughty or even dirty — but in any case good — slogan that would fit on a bus advert.
So that's what I did — and as you see above, one of my suggestions was chosen for the 'dirty' category. They had to abbreviate to fit it on a bus (or rather into their bus photo template), but that captured the sense even better, or actually changed it to be more significant.
There was nothing to actually win, except for having your hilarious, cheeky, superb slogan published in New Europe, with a picture and maybe your own comment. If your slogan was chosen of course.
Here are my other suggestions:
Something better to do on a Sunday?
I have. But I vote anyway!
Ask what Europe can do for you...
What you can do for Europe is VOTE!
R U Ropean?
Zen VOTE on ze Zevenz!
Elect and erect. Europe, that is.
Men in suits don't suit you?
Then vote for someone else.
EURO 2008 was long ago.
FIFA 2010 is far away.
VOTE 2009 is here and now.
It's the EU, it is you!
The EU is you too!
The EU is yours too!
You know they're commuting
You know they're polluting
Their salaries are bloated
But what if YOU voted?
They waste your money anyway. Choose how. Vote.
It's YOUR money they use.
On what? YOU can choose!
Who do you want to represent your interests, your values, your country?
Choose who influences your future and the daily life of close to 500 million fellow Europeans.
You think the EU is remote?
Bring it closer — go and vote!
1 vote out of 375 000 000 won't matter much.
But it'll matter infinitely more than 0 votes.
One vote out of 375 000 000 will mean a little something.
No vote will mean nothing at all.
Choose which suits will waste your money. Vote.
We cannot think of a slogan, but just go'n'vote.
— Election?
— Yes.
— Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One vote each. Next. Election?
— Election?
— Yes.
— Good. Out of your bed. Local polling station. One vote each.
We cannot think of a slogan, but just go'n'vote.
Eulopean Palriament Erections.
(We caught youl attention? Now vote.)
My calendar — Sunday 7 June 2009
1. Seduce my girlfriend
2. If 1 succeeds, take shower
3. Make breakfast
4. Try to seduce her again
5. Take (another) shower
6. Go out
7. Vote
8. Buy flowers on the way home
9. Seduce her again
10. And again
11. And again.....
[Too long for a bus streamer, I realise... But you get the point.]
Don't do like most people in this bus. Vote.
Your polling station is only a busride away.
Yes you can (vote).
All of these are of course copyrighted — so do ask in case you want to use any of them, by posting a comment to this post.
And remember to vote! Europe is about you.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Agatha Christie's best play 'Verdict'
to be performed in Luxembourg
Deutsche Fassung unter der englischen
Version française à la fin de cet article

in association with NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB
Abbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
every day from Tuesday 19th to and including Saturday 23rd May 2009
at 8.00pm
Tickets €15.00 (€12.00 students/OAPs)
(Special price for school groups of more than 10:
please contact Tony Kingston on 26374064)
Dame Agatha Christie is often called the “Queen of Crime”. During her long writing career she published over 70 novels and a number of well-known stage plays, including The Mousetrap and Witness for the Prosecution. She described Verdict as “the best play I have written …” Set in the tense and suspicious world of a group of political refugees, it is not so much a detective story as an analysis of the human passions and weaknesses which lead to murder.
Professor Karl Hendryk and his terminally-ill wife Anya are political refugees living in London. Karl teaches at London University, but his finances are difficult. He is also secretly in love with his house-keeper Lisa Koletzky. To raise money for his wife’s treatment, Karl takes on a rich but arrogant young student, Héléne Rollandre, who is secretly obsessed by Karl. Her arrival creates a poisonous atmosphere in the house … literally so when one of the characters is found dead of an overdose! However, the question becomes not who committed the crime, but how much has Karl’s mixed emotion been the real cause of the murder. The verdict of the title is as much a judgement of his behaviour as the conviction of a criminal. As a psychological drama and as a reflection of the multi-cultural world of London, Verdict remains a remarkably modern and gripping play.
Since 1991 the Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) has performed English language shows from authors as varied as Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella, and William Shakespeare. The company has appeared at the Edinburgh Festival, at Anglo-German Festivals around Germany and has twice before visited Luxembourg, Featuring actors from Luxembourg, VERDICT is the BGTs 25th production

Bjørn Clasen as Karl
and Jessica Whiteley as Lisa
Photo ©2009 Michele Jamrozik
in Zusammenarbeit mit NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB
in englischer Sprache
Abbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
19., 20., 21., 22. und 23. Mai 2009
20.00 Uhr
Eintritt 15 € (Studenten und Rentner: 12 €)
(Sonderpreise für Schulgruppen von mindestens 10 Personen – Tel. 26 37 40 64)
Während ihrer langen Karriere als Schriftstellerin veröffentlichte Agatha Christie, oft “Krimi-Königin” genannt, mehr als 70 Romane, sowie mehrere berühmte Bühnenstücke, darunter Die Mausefalle und Zeugin der Anklage. Das weniger bekannte Verdict hat sie selbst als “das beste Stück, das ich jemals geschrieben habe” bezeichnet. Es findet in dem gespannten und von Misstrauen geprägten Milieu einer Gruppe von politischen Flüchtlingen statt und ist weniger ein herkömmlicher Krimi als eine Analyse der menschlichen Leidenschaften und Schwächen.
Professor Karl Hendryk und seine schwererkrankte Frau Anya leben als politische Flüchtlinge in London. Karl unterrichtet an einer Londoner Universität, tut sich finanziell aber schwer. Dazu ist er heimlich in seine Haushälterin Lisa Koletzky verliebt. Um die Therapie seiner Frau zu ermöglichen, nimmt Karl das Angebot an, einer reichen aber arroganten Studentin namens Hélène Rollandre Privatunterricht zu geben. Hélène ist von Karl besessen, und ihre Ankunft vergiftet die Atmosphäre im Hause Hendryk ...auch ganz buchstäblich, als eine der Personen tot aufgefunden wird! Die Frage ist jedoch nicht wer die Tat begangen hat, sondern inwiefern Karls gemischte Gefühle bei der eigentlichen Mordursache mitgespielt haben. Verdict erörtert vielmehr ein Urteil über Karls Verhalten als über das eines Verbrechers. Psychologisches Drama und Bearbeitung der Komplexität einer multikulturellen Welt zugleich, bleibt Verdict bis heute eine beachtlich moderne und spannende Geschichte.
Seit 1991 führt das Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) englischsprachige Bühnenstücke von verschiedenen Verfassern wie Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella oder William Shakespeare auf. Die Gruppe ist beim Edinburgh Festival sowie bei englisch-deutschen Festivals in Deutschland aufgetreten, und hat auch bereits zweimal Luxemburg besucht. Verdict, mit Schauspielern aus Luxemburg besetzt, ist die 25. Produktion des BGT.

Bjørn Clasen als Karl
und Jessica Whiteley als Lisa
Foto: © Michele Jamrozik 2009
en collaboration avec
en langue anglaise
Abbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
19, 20, 21, 22 et 23 mai 2009 à 20.00h
prix du billet: €15.00 (€12.00 étudiants/séniors)
tarif spécial pour groupes scolaires de plus de 10 personnes
— contacter Tony Kingston au tél. 26374064)
Durant sa longue carrière d’écrivain, la « reine du crime » a publié plus de 70 ouvrages et quelques pièces de théâtre de renommée telles que The Mousetrap et Witness for the Prosecution. Agatha Christie a elle-même dit que Verdict était sa meilleure pièce. La pièce évoque les tensions et suspicions vécues par un groupe d’exilés politiques. Il s’agit moins d’un roman policier que d’une étude des passions humaines conduisant à la dérive.
Le Professeur Karl Hendryk et son épouse, affectée par une maladie incurable, sont des réfugiés politiques vivant à Londres. Un amour secret lie le professeur à la domestique, Lisa Koletzky. Karl enseigne à l’université mais éprouve des difficultés pour financer les soins de son épouse. Afin d’améliorer sa situation financière, il accepte de donner des cours à une jeune étudiante, arrogante, Hélène Rollandre ; Hélène est obsédée par Karl et est prête à tout pour le séduire...
Verdict juge autant le comportement de Karl que celui de l’auteur du crime. A la fois drame psychologique et réflexion sur la complexité d’un monde multi-culturel globalisé, la pièce est haletante et d’actualité.
Le Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) réalise depuis 1991 des pièces en anglais écrites par des auteurs variés, tels que Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella et William Shakespeare. La compagnie a participé au réputé Edinburgh Festival, à plusieurs festivals anglo-allemands en Allemagne et a également investi les scènes luxembourgeoises à deux reprises. Verdict, sa 25ème production, est réalisée avec des acteurs résidents de Luxembourg et de la grande région.

Bjørn Clasen interprétant le rôle de Karl
et Jessica Whiteley interprétant le rôle de Lisa
Photo ©2009 Michele Jamrozik
Version française à la fin de cet article

in association with NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB
by Agatha ChristieAbbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
every day from Tuesday 19th to and including Saturday 23rd May 2009
at 8.00pm
Tickets €15.00 (€12.00 students/OAPs)
(Special price for school groups of more than 10:
please contact Tony Kingston on 26374064)
Dame Agatha Christie is often called the “Queen of Crime”. During her long writing career she published over 70 novels and a number of well-known stage plays, including The Mousetrap and Witness for the Prosecution. She described Verdict as “the best play I have written …” Set in the tense and suspicious world of a group of political refugees, it is not so much a detective story as an analysis of the human passions and weaknesses which lead to murder.
Professor Karl Hendryk and his terminally-ill wife Anya are political refugees living in London. Karl teaches at London University, but his finances are difficult. He is also secretly in love with his house-keeper Lisa Koletzky. To raise money for his wife’s treatment, Karl takes on a rich but arrogant young student, Héléne Rollandre, who is secretly obsessed by Karl. Her arrival creates a poisonous atmosphere in the house … literally so when one of the characters is found dead of an overdose! However, the question becomes not who committed the crime, but how much has Karl’s mixed emotion been the real cause of the murder. The verdict of the title is as much a judgement of his behaviour as the conviction of a criminal. As a psychological drama and as a reflection of the multi-cultural world of London, Verdict remains a remarkably modern and gripping play.
Since 1991 the Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) has performed English language shows from authors as varied as Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella, and William Shakespeare. The company has appeared at the Edinburgh Festival, at Anglo-German Festivals around Germany and has twice before visited Luxembourg, Featuring actors from Luxembourg, VERDICT is the BGTs 25th production

and Jessica Whiteley as Lisa
Photo ©2009 Michele Jamrozik
in Zusammenarbeit mit NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB
von Agatha Christiein englischer Sprache
Abbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
19., 20., 21., 22. und 23. Mai 2009
20.00 Uhr
Eintritt 15 € (Studenten und Rentner: 12 €)
(Sonderpreise für Schulgruppen von mindestens 10 Personen – Tel. 26 37 40 64)
Während ihrer langen Karriere als Schriftstellerin veröffentlichte Agatha Christie, oft “Krimi-Königin” genannt, mehr als 70 Romane, sowie mehrere berühmte Bühnenstücke, darunter Die Mausefalle und Zeugin der Anklage. Das weniger bekannte Verdict hat sie selbst als “das beste Stück, das ich jemals geschrieben habe” bezeichnet. Es findet in dem gespannten und von Misstrauen geprägten Milieu einer Gruppe von politischen Flüchtlingen statt und ist weniger ein herkömmlicher Krimi als eine Analyse der menschlichen Leidenschaften und Schwächen.
Professor Karl Hendryk und seine schwererkrankte Frau Anya leben als politische Flüchtlinge in London. Karl unterrichtet an einer Londoner Universität, tut sich finanziell aber schwer. Dazu ist er heimlich in seine Haushälterin Lisa Koletzky verliebt. Um die Therapie seiner Frau zu ermöglichen, nimmt Karl das Angebot an, einer reichen aber arroganten Studentin namens Hélène Rollandre Privatunterricht zu geben. Hélène ist von Karl besessen, und ihre Ankunft vergiftet die Atmosphäre im Hause Hendryk ...auch ganz buchstäblich, als eine der Personen tot aufgefunden wird! Die Frage ist jedoch nicht wer die Tat begangen hat, sondern inwiefern Karls gemischte Gefühle bei der eigentlichen Mordursache mitgespielt haben. Verdict erörtert vielmehr ein Urteil über Karls Verhalten als über das eines Verbrechers. Psychologisches Drama und Bearbeitung der Komplexität einer multikulturellen Welt zugleich, bleibt Verdict bis heute eine beachtlich moderne und spannende Geschichte.
Seit 1991 führt das Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) englischsprachige Bühnenstücke von verschiedenen Verfassern wie Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella oder William Shakespeare auf. Die Gruppe ist beim Edinburgh Festival sowie bei englisch-deutschen Festivals in Deutschland aufgetreten, und hat auch bereits zweimal Luxemburg besucht. Verdict, mit Schauspielern aus Luxemburg besetzt, ist die 25. Produktion des BGT.

und Jessica Whiteley als Lisa
Foto: © Michele Jamrozik 2009
en collaboration avec
de Agatha Christieen langue anglaise
Abbaye de Neumunster, Salle Robert Krieps
19, 20, 21, 22 et 23 mai 2009 à 20.00h
prix du billet: €15.00 (€12.00 étudiants/séniors)
tarif spécial pour groupes scolaires de plus de 10 personnes
— contacter Tony Kingston au tél. 26374064)
Durant sa longue carrière d’écrivain, la « reine du crime » a publié plus de 70 ouvrages et quelques pièces de théâtre de renommée telles que The Mousetrap et Witness for the Prosecution. Agatha Christie a elle-même dit que Verdict était sa meilleure pièce. La pièce évoque les tensions et suspicions vécues par un groupe d’exilés politiques. Il s’agit moins d’un roman policier que d’une étude des passions humaines conduisant à la dérive.
Le Professeur Karl Hendryk et son épouse, affectée par une maladie incurable, sont des réfugiés politiques vivant à Londres. Un amour secret lie le professeur à la domestique, Lisa Koletzky. Karl enseigne à l’université mais éprouve des difficultés pour financer les soins de son épouse. Afin d’améliorer sa situation financière, il accepte de donner des cours à une jeune étudiante, arrogante, Hélène Rollandre ; Hélène est obsédée par Karl et est prête à tout pour le séduire...
Verdict juge autant le comportement de Karl que celui de l’auteur du crime. A la fois drame psychologique et réflexion sur la complexité d’un monde multi-culturel globalisé, la pièce est haletante et d’actualité.
Le Berliner Grundtheater e.V (BGT) réalise depuis 1991 des pièces en anglais écrites par des auteurs variés, tels que Peter Shaffer, Anthony Minghella et William Shakespeare. La compagnie a participé au réputé Edinburgh Festival, à plusieurs festivals anglo-allemands en Allemagne et a également investi les scènes luxembourgeoises à deux reprises. Verdict, sa 25ème production, est réalisée avec des acteurs résidents de Luxembourg et de la grande région.

et Jessica Whiteley interprétant le rôle de Lisa
Photo ©2009 Michele Jamrozik
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
My faith
'I believe in God,
only I spell it Nature.'
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959)
only I spell it Nature.'
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959)
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Eat the unopened mussels too
― and save mussels from over-fishing
From an experiment in order to bust the stubborn myth that unopened mussels are dangerous to eat...
[S]ome 11.5 per cent of mussels remained closed after a so-called "normal" cooking time.
When [forced] open with a knife, every single one was both adequately cooked and safe to eat.
So, [...] even if the adductor muscles refuse to bow to the heat, the meat is still safe to eat.
But [when cooked] for a further 90 seconds, about one-seventh of them still remained shut.
And in the mussels that finally did open, thanks to the overcooking, the meat was now shrunken and tough.
The best way to check the safety of mussels is to check them before you cook them.
Mussels have such a small mass that if they are invaded by a pathogen or germ, they will be overwhelmed almost immediately, and will smell bad.
If we use the experimental evidence, and stop throwing out cooked mussels that stubbornly refuse to open, we can stop wasting each year some 370 tonnes of perfectly good seafood worth around $3 million.
So use a little brain muscle, and put the mussel where your mouth is.
by Karl S. Kruszelnicki
from 'Mussel myth an open and shut case'
on ABC Science (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
[S]ome 11.5 per cent of mussels remained closed after a so-called "normal" cooking time.
When [forced] open with a knife, every single one was both adequately cooked and safe to eat.
So, [...] even if the adductor muscles refuse to bow to the heat, the meat is still safe to eat.
But [when cooked] for a further 90 seconds, about one-seventh of them still remained shut.
And in the mussels that finally did open, thanks to the overcooking, the meat was now shrunken and tough.
The best way to check the safety of mussels is to check them before you cook them.
Mussels have such a small mass that if they are invaded by a pathogen or germ, they will be overwhelmed almost immediately, and will smell bad.
If we use the experimental evidence, and stop throwing out cooked mussels that stubbornly refuse to open, we can stop wasting each year some 370 tonnes of perfectly good seafood worth around $3 million.
So use a little brain muscle, and put the mussel where your mouth is.
by Karl S. Kruszelnicki
from 'Mussel myth an open and shut case'
on ABC Science (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Why you cannot see the Great Wall from the Moon
Not even the best of human eyes at a simple glace could see the Great Wall of China from Space. The impossibility is due to the limitation of the human eye when it comes to seeing small diffusing objects. The relevant parameter is not the Wall’s length (about 7300 km), but its width, which is usually less than 6 m.
[...] To illustrate this with a simple example, looking at the Great Wall from a distance of 160 km would be the same as looking at a 2 cm diameter cable from more than half a kilometre away! No matter how good the atmospheric conditions, lighting and contrast are — unless the object was self-illuminated or it reflected the sun as a small mirror — it would be totally impossible to see this cable (or, for similar reasons, the Great Wall) at a simple glance, because the eye would need a visual acuity greater than approximately 20/3, which is 7.7 times the normal visual acuity, and more than three times the maximum acuity reached by a falcon, an eagle, or a human eye.
[...] [I]t would be even less likely to see the Great Wall from the moon, situated at a minimum distance of 350,000 km, because the visual acuity would have to be 17,000 times (!) better than that of the normal human eye (in this case it would amount to seeing the cable from a distance of more than 1000 km).
[...] As a simple exercise, Google Earth© can be used to see the Wall at lat.=40.48234, lon.=116.180592 if one is close enough to the ground. However, once you are more than 40 miles away, it cannot be seen. This simple experiment does not really answer the question since the visualization of the Wall will depends not only on our vision, but also on the satelite image resolution, our computer screen, etc. Despite this, it can be observed that, at a height of 40 miles, the Wall is not visible but the landing runway of the Yongning Airport, located about 4 miles WNW to the Wall, is.
Moreover, if the Great Wall was visible from Space, then, contrary to common claims, it would not be the only visible manmade object since astronauts would also enjoy the view of the Pyramids of Egypt, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, and probably their own house in case it is more than 6 m wide and long.
Norberto López-Gil
Ciencias de la Visión, Universidad de Murcia
from 'Is it Really Possible to See the Great Wall of China from Space with a Naked Eye?', Journal of Optometry 2008;1:3-4
[...] To illustrate this with a simple example, looking at the Great Wall from a distance of 160 km would be the same as looking at a 2 cm diameter cable from more than half a kilometre away! No matter how good the atmospheric conditions, lighting and contrast are — unless the object was self-illuminated or it reflected the sun as a small mirror — it would be totally impossible to see this cable (or, for similar reasons, the Great Wall) at a simple glance, because the eye would need a visual acuity greater than approximately 20/3, which is 7.7 times the normal visual acuity, and more than three times the maximum acuity reached by a falcon, an eagle, or a human eye.
[...] [I]t would be even less likely to see the Great Wall from the moon, situated at a minimum distance of 350,000 km, because the visual acuity would have to be 17,000 times (!) better than that of the normal human eye (in this case it would amount to seeing the cable from a distance of more than 1000 km).
[...] As a simple exercise, Google Earth© can be used to see the Wall at lat.=40.48234, lon.=116.180592 if one is close enough to the ground. However, once you are more than 40 miles away, it cannot be seen. This simple experiment does not really answer the question since the visualization of the Wall will depends not only on our vision, but also on the satelite image resolution, our computer screen, etc. Despite this, it can be observed that, at a height of 40 miles, the Wall is not visible but the landing runway of the Yongning Airport, located about 4 miles WNW to the Wall, is.
Moreover, if the Great Wall was visible from Space, then, contrary to common claims, it would not be the only visible manmade object since astronauts would also enjoy the view of the Pyramids of Egypt, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, and probably their own house in case it is more than 6 m wide and long.
Norberto López-Gil
Ciencias de la Visión, Universidad de Murcia
from 'Is it Really Possible to See the Great Wall of China from Space with a Naked Eye?', Journal of Optometry 2008;1:3-4
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Hatten Är Din (Hatt Baby)
― När arabiska låtar som svenska
الْعَرَبيّة al-ʿarabiyyah
Holt Grant Holt nach Köln
z.H.v. Herrn Christoph Daum ― Betr.: Stürmerkandidat im letzten Moment
Sehr geehrter Herr Daum
Als FC-Fan habe ich natürlich die Personalsituation beim FC gefolgt, und hatte das Gefühl, dass Ihnen ein Goalgetter zumindest anfangs der Rückrunde fehlen könnte.
Rein Zufällig bin ich auf ein englischer Stürmer namens Grant Holt gestoßen. Was besonders auffällt, ist daß er in 28 Spielen in dieser Saison ganze 20 Tore erziehlt hat; 2 von 5 Toren seines Vereins Shrewsbury Town, der in Englands League Two spielt, sind Grant Holt zugeschrieben.
Mehr Details auf
Nur ein Tipp, falls Sie vor der Schließung des Wintertransferfensters doch noch einen Joker verpflichten möchten.
Alles gute für die Rückrunde ― ich werde soviel dabei sein wie es mir überhaupt möglich ist. Karten für Bielefeld und Bayern hab' ich bereits.
Mit FCreundlichen Grüßen
Bjørn Clasen
FC-Mitglied, Luxemburg
Antwort vom 26. Januar
Guten Tag Herr Clasen,
vielen Dank für Ihre nette E-Mail.
Gerne haben wir Ihren Hinweis an unsere Scouting-Abteilung weitergeleitet. Wir bitten Sie jedoch um Verständnis, dass wir uns an Personaldiskussionen in der Öffentlichkeit nicht beteiligen können. Unser aktueller Kader genießt zudem unser absolutes Vertrauen. Wir gehen fest davon aus, dass es unseren Spielern gelingen wird, die nötigen Punkte in der Rückrunde zu holen. Unterstützen Sie sie auch weiterhin.
Wir sind stolz auf solche treue Anhänger, wie Sie zählen zu können! Bleiben Sie uns treu!
Herzliche Grüße
1. FC Köln
i.A. Rainer Mendel Julia Nehren
Leiter Mitglieder- & Fanservice Fanservice
Postfach 45 04 56
50879 Köln
Telefon 0221 / 7 16 16–300
Telefax 0221 / 7 16 16–319
Sehr geehrter Herr Daum
Als FC-Fan habe ich natürlich die Personalsituation beim FC gefolgt, und hatte das Gefühl, dass Ihnen ein Goalgetter zumindest anfangs der Rückrunde fehlen könnte.
Rein Zufällig bin ich auf ein englischer Stürmer namens Grant Holt gestoßen. Was besonders auffällt, ist daß er in 28 Spielen in dieser Saison ganze 20 Tore erziehlt hat; 2 von 5 Toren seines Vereins Shrewsbury Town, der in Englands League Two spielt, sind Grant Holt zugeschrieben.
Mehr Details auf
Nur ein Tipp, falls Sie vor der Schließung des Wintertransferfensters doch noch einen Joker verpflichten möchten.
Alles gute für die Rückrunde ― ich werde soviel dabei sein wie es mir überhaupt möglich ist. Karten für Bielefeld und Bayern hab' ich bereits.
Mit FCreundlichen Grüßen
Bjørn Clasen
FC-Mitglied, Luxemburg
Antwort vom 26. Januar
Guten Tag Herr Clasen,
vielen Dank für Ihre nette E-Mail.
Gerne haben wir Ihren Hinweis an unsere Scouting-Abteilung weitergeleitet. Wir bitten Sie jedoch um Verständnis, dass wir uns an Personaldiskussionen in der Öffentlichkeit nicht beteiligen können. Unser aktueller Kader genießt zudem unser absolutes Vertrauen. Wir gehen fest davon aus, dass es unseren Spielern gelingen wird, die nötigen Punkte in der Rückrunde zu holen. Unterstützen Sie sie auch weiterhin.
Wir sind stolz auf solche treue Anhänger, wie Sie zählen zu können! Bleiben Sie uns treu!
Herzliche Grüße
1. FC Köln
i.A. Rainer Mendel Julia Nehren
Leiter Mitglieder- & Fanservice Fanservice
Postfach 45 04 56
50879 Köln
Telefon 0221 / 7 16 16–300
Telefax 0221 / 7 16 16–319
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
No more
no more binders
no more shaevs
no more swaying on the bumpy load
as the trailur dips in the holey load

Leila Thomson
Hoxa Tapestry Gallery — St. Margaret's Hope, Orkney, Scotland
Friday, 23 January 2009
My favourite quotation from The Bible
Mi cita preferida de la Biblia
30 And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?
31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
32 If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Eph'e-sus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.
The first epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians
(1 Corinthians 15:30-32)
30 ¿Y por qué nosotros peligramos a toda hora?
31 Os aseguro, hermanos, por la gloria que de vosotros tengo en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que cada día muero.
32 Si como hombre batallé en Efeso contra fieras, ¿qué me aproveacha? Si los muertos no resucitan, comamos y bebamos, porque mañana moriremos.
La primera epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los corintios, capítulo 15
(I Corintios 15:30-32)
Mit yndlingscitat fra Biblen på dansk
31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
32 If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Eph'e-sus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.
The first epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians
(1 Corinthians 15:30-32)
30 ¿Y por qué nosotros peligramos a toda hora?
31 Os aseguro, hermanos, por la gloria que de vosotros tengo en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que cada día muero.
32 Si como hombre batallé en Efeso contra fieras, ¿qué me aproveacha? Si los muertos no resucitan, comamos y bebamos, porque mañana moriremos.
La primera epístola del apóstol San Pablo a los corintios, capítulo 15
(I Corintios 15:30-32)
Mit yndlingscitat fra Biblen på dansk
Old Boys Not-Work
A lot has been written and said about the priorities of the Commission’s recruitment policy in recent years. Sure, we all agree for the need to make room for — typically younger — officials from new Member States. And who disagrees with the fact that we should employ more women, in particular in management positions?
But what is the flip side of the coin? In the process of recruitment and in particular mobility, who are the ones being left behind? My guess is that at the bottom of the pile you will find officials who are:(1) older (ie. over 50), (2) male, and (3) from old Member States.
It is becoming increasingly clear among colleagues that while most officials still feel that they have a number of good years left in them by the time they reach 50, if they have not reached (or perhaps ever wanted) a management position, the system is at a loss to deal with them, and their careers are from then on basically at a standstill. And the magic number “50” scares off a number of potential employers so mobility is hard to come by.
To many colleagues over 50 the fact that you cannot count on being promoted any more may be a manageable fact of life. However, what is not OK is the fact that mobility becomes very difficult after 50, in particular if you are not among the priority groups (women, new Member States).And the idea of being stuck in the same job for another 5-15 years before retiring is very difficult to bear indeed. It is highly demotivating for the official and does not make any sense in terms of a rational utilisation of the skills of these experienced, highly-skilled and highly paid officials.
As an example — and yes, I am over 50 — over the past 3 years I have applied for around 15 different jobs and been interviewed for more then half of them. While the jobs in most cases undoubtedly went to better qualified candidates, I was in two cases informed (orally, not in writing of course) that “you are the best candidate but we cannot give you the job because we have to take someone from a new Member States”. In one further instance I was even told that it had to be a woman from a new Member State. So I remain where I was.
If the Commission is really at a loss at what to do with the over — 50s — in particular the old guys from old Member States — could it not with a minimum show of respect consider publishing “dégagements” for officials all the way down to 50 years of age? That would allow some of us to spend our remaining active years putting the valuable skills we acquired during 20-30 years in the Commission to use outside the confines of the institution.
At the same time it would free up lots space for younger and/or female officials, in particular from new Member States. After all, you can probably get three young officials from a new Member State for the price of me.
Louis Hersom
employee at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement
in 'Commission en direct' #481, 6-12 June 2008
But what is the flip side of the coin? In the process of recruitment and in particular mobility, who are the ones being left behind? My guess is that at the bottom of the pile you will find officials who are:(1) older (ie. over 50), (2) male, and (3) from old Member States.
It is becoming increasingly clear among colleagues that while most officials still feel that they have a number of good years left in them by the time they reach 50, if they have not reached (or perhaps ever wanted) a management position, the system is at a loss to deal with them, and their careers are from then on basically at a standstill. And the magic number “50” scares off a number of potential employers so mobility is hard to come by.
To many colleagues over 50 the fact that you cannot count on being promoted any more may be a manageable fact of life. However, what is not OK is the fact that mobility becomes very difficult after 50, in particular if you are not among the priority groups (women, new Member States).And the idea of being stuck in the same job for another 5-15 years before retiring is very difficult to bear indeed. It is highly demotivating for the official and does not make any sense in terms of a rational utilisation of the skills of these experienced, highly-skilled and highly paid officials.
As an example — and yes, I am over 50 — over the past 3 years I have applied for around 15 different jobs and been interviewed for more then half of them. While the jobs in most cases undoubtedly went to better qualified candidates, I was in two cases informed (orally, not in writing of course) that “you are the best candidate but we cannot give you the job because we have to take someone from a new Member States”. In one further instance I was even told that it had to be a woman from a new Member State. So I remain where I was.
If the Commission is really at a loss at what to do with the over — 50s — in particular the old guys from old Member States — could it not with a minimum show of respect consider publishing “dégagements” for officials all the way down to 50 years of age? That would allow some of us to spend our remaining active years putting the valuable skills we acquired during 20-30 years in the Commission to use outside the confines of the institution.
At the same time it would free up lots space for younger and/or female officials, in particular from new Member States. After all, you can probably get three young officials from a new Member State for the price of me.
Louis Hersom
employee at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement
in 'Commission en direct' #481, 6-12 June 2008
Sunday, 18 January 2009
My remix of Moby's Lift Me Up
An attempt to shave off most of the electronics and vocals, making it cleaner and rather minimalistic, giving it sort of a new soul. I had to let go of the cool distorted guitar though, as changes between different parts of the song became too abrupt.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
My latest mix: erasure's Breathe
I actually find this pretty successful. Do give it a listen.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
More of William Somerset Maugham's wisdom
'Life wouldn't be worth living if I worried over the future as well as the present.
When things are at their worst I find something always happens.'
Of Human Bondage, chapter 66
'It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason
as well as your sense of the aesthetic.'
Of Human Bondage, chapter 88
'I forget who it was that recommended men for their soul's good to do each day two things they disliked ...
it is a precept that I have followed scrupulously; for every day I have got up and I have gone to bed.'
The Moon And Sixpence, chapter 2
'I don't think of the past.
The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.'
The Moon And Sixpence, chapter 21
'Perfection is a trifle dull.
It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at,
is better not quite achieved.'
The Summing Up
'We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love.
It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.'
The Summing Up
When things are at their worst I find something always happens.'
Of Human Bondage, chapter 66
'It's asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason
as well as your sense of the aesthetic.'
Of Human Bondage, chapter 88
'I forget who it was that recommended men for their soul's good to do each day two things they disliked ...
it is a precept that I have followed scrupulously; for every day I have got up and I have gone to bed.'
The Moon And Sixpence, chapter 2
'I don't think of the past.
The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.'
The Moon And Sixpence, chapter 21
'Perfection is a trifle dull.
It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at,
is better not quite achieved.'
The Summing Up
'We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love.
It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.'
The Summing Up
Monday, 5 January 2009
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