Saturday, 2 January 2010

Jennifer Aniston in her football outfit
— Jennifer Aniston i sit footballtøj

When the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet wrote about the movie ‘The Break-Up’, starring Jennifer Aniston and her then-boyfriend Vince Vaughn, they used this photo. The caption reads ‘Vince Vaughn opens his eyes wide as Jennifer Aniston shows her new 'look'. (Picture from the movie)’.

The choice of photo is somewhat a disappointment (except maybe for certain fetichists), as the article was titled ‘Aniston clean-shaven and naked in new movie’. Now, even if she is clean-shaven underneath that football gear …which one is Jennifer??

Da Ekstra Bladet i sin tid skrev om filmen ‘The Break-Up’ med Jennifer Aniston og hendes daværende kæreste Vince Vaughn, blev ovenstående billede brugt. Lidt af en skuffelse (undtagen måske for visse fetichister), idet rubrikken på artiklen var ‘Aniston glatbarberet og nøgen i ny film’. Hm. Selvom hun skulle være glatbarberet under det der footballudstyr …hvem af dem er så egentlig Jennifer??

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