Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Three more signs

The first one is from the Slovenian town of Piran. What's funny about it is that a Frenchspeaker would easily tend to pronounce 'Kud Sac' similarly as 'cul-de-sac', which means 'dead end street' (actually, the term 'cul-de-sac' is also used in English). Fancy sign to indicate a dead-end-street…

The text on the plaque means 'Cultural-artistic society' in Slovene ('Kulturno-umetniško društvo'), then in Italian (SAC), followed by the name (Karol Pahor) and the town in both languages.

The next is also from Slovenia. One you see quite a lot near schools, in many countries ― I just thought it's pretty original to let the kids actually break the frame and thus create a meta feel about a simple road sign!

The text translates as 'We are here again! ― School ― Drive carefully!'.

The third is not really a sign actually. The pic was taken in Cusco, Peru, at the San Pedro market. Odd phenomenon that they sell perfumes, which so explicitly, in pictures and words, advertise that they are supposed to attract women.

Notice especially the one called '7 Machos' ― wonder if such brand name would sell in Europe…

Thank you to Luka for the translations from Slovene!

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Pink Water 4

Repeatedly, I am listening to Indochine's wonderful song 'Pink Water 3', as well as the 'June' disk's hidden track, which is the same song but with exclusively English lyrics …and I was wondering whether I could find the English lyrics somewhere. Turns out there's a whole discussion about it. Maybe a justification for these hidden tracks, aka ghost tracks?

Sky, I'm gonna leave tonight
You know, I've got a life to live
And it's getting late
So, I'm gonna leave tonight

I can't decide if I'm the one you need
Or what you want out of life
I always thought you'd be the one to leave
The one to change your mind

I'm on a rocket to a dying star
You have to stay behind
Can't take you with me 'cause it's very far
And you don't have the time

(Get out me out this place
Get out me out this place
Get out me out this… place)

Sky, I'm gonna leave tonight
You know, I've got a life to live
And it's getting late

I can't decide if I'm the one you need
Or what you want out of life
I always thought you'd be the one to leave
The one to change your mind

I'm on a rocket to a dying star
You have to stay behind
Before I met you I was crashing cars
And I was doing fine

Get me out of this place
Get me out of this town
Before I drown in your deep pink water
I won't remember your face
I can't remember your frown
Because I'll drown in your deep pink water

(Ten, nine, eight, seven…)

Sky, I'm gonna leave tonight
You know, I've got a life to live
And it's getting late

I'm on a rocket to a dying star
You have to stay behind
Can't take you with me 'cause it's very far
And you don't have the time

I'm on a rocket to a dying star
You have to stay behind
Before I met you I was crashing cars
And I was doing fine

Get me out of this place
Get me out of this town
Before I drown in your deep pink water
I won't remember your face
I can't remember your frown
Because I'll drown in your deep pink water

Get me out of this place
Get me out of this town
Before I drown in your deep pink water
I won't remember your face
I can't remember your frown
Because I'll drown in your deep pink water

based on the lyrics discussed at the abovementioned forum, with my own modifications

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

I feel sprightlyyy, oh so sprightlyyyyy...

A friend of mine used this adjective (without the singing though), which I had never heard before. But I liked it, the sound of it, the meaning, it is one of these words where you can feel its meaning without ever having heard it before.

Main Entry: spright·ly
Pronunciation: -lE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): spright·li·er; -est
Etymology: obsolete spright (sprite), alteration of sprite
1 : marked by a gay lightness and vivacity : SPIRITED (a sprightly musical)
2 : having a distinctively piquant taste : ZESTY (a sprightly salsa)
synonym see LIVELY
spright·li·ness noun
sprightly adverb

definition from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
where you can even listen to the word being said

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Men and intelligence

'If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?'
Linda Ellerbee
Source: De røde støvler

See also this blogpost.

Malt og malt imellem

Sjovt som ting kan hænge sammen:

Biobrændsel lavet på fx raps er på vej frem, og den øgede efterspørgsel gør det attraktivt for bønderne at dyrke raps.

På bekostning af malt. Derfor bliver der et mindre udbud af malt, hvorfor prisen på malt også stiger.

Og dermed på øl.

Det søger bryggerierne nu udlignet ved… at tilskynde til at udvikle biobrændsel baseret på malt, så alle dyrker malt og vi kan få vores øl billigere og køre bil (naturligvis ikke samtidig) uden at forurene.

baseret på artikel på Politiken.dk 26/2-7

Var det Kung Volmers djuparöv som gick upp och ner?

»[B]yer med […] spektakulære navne […] findes [der] en del [af] i Sverige […,] blandt andre: Onansbygd, Rumpsjön, Lem, Bögholmen, Muslickberget, Ballekkåtan, Kukasjärvi, Brittas Hål, Snålkuk, Valefittan, Djuparöven.«
artikel i Ekstra Bladet 26/2-7